In order to conduct the NSIA, we have submitted and received conditional approval from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Education and Social/Behavioral Science Institutional Review Board (UW IRB). Prior to your institution’s participation in the NSIA, and as a condition of our IRB approval, please assess whether your institution considers its participation in the NSIA as an engagement in human subjects research. Please note, in most cases, your institution will not consider your participation to be engagement in human subjects research. However, if it does, we will be able to assist you. If your participation in the NSIA does not engage your institution in human subjects research, then you will be able to start the inventories immediately. If your institution requires IRB review for your participation in the NSIA, then you may 1) request to defer to the UW IRB as the IRB of record or 2) have your own institutional review performed. If you request to defer to the UW IRB, you will be provided with additional information regarding this process before you can start the inventories. If you plan on receiving IRB review from your institution, we will need a copy of your IRB determination before you can start the inventories.

If you have questions, please contact