
Phase I of the NSIA is comprised of four inventories: (1) Senior-Level Administrator (Pre/Post) Searches, (2) Athletic Administrator Hiring Practices, and (3) Career Trajectories and Workplace Climate.
Senior-Level Administrator (Pre/Post) Search Inventories
The Senior-level Administrator Pre-search Inventory asks hiring officials of human resource departments at each institution about the desirable characteristics of future hires for senior-level athletic administrators (excluding coaching positions) and about the search/screen process for the vacant position. The Senior-level Administrator Post-search Inventory obtains information regarding the characteristics of recently employed senior-level athletic administrators as well as the search/screen process used during the recruitment process. Each inventory can be completed in approximately fifteen minutes.
Athletic Administrator Hiring Practices Inventory
The Athletic Administrator Hiring Practices Inventory asks hiring officials of human resource departments at each institution about practices used during the hiring process of various athletic administrative positions. This inventory can be completed in approximately fifteen minutes.
Athletic Administrator Career Trajectories and Workplace Climate Inventory
The Athletic Administrator Career Trajectories and Workplace Climate Inventory asks athletic administrators about the climate of the workplace at their institution and their career trajectories. This inventory can be completed in approximately fifteen minutes.
To control for systemic bias, each inventory is customized for division and institution type.